Saturday 2 March 2019

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15UTI, part seven, Asian users part one

The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15UTI saw also loads of action in the Asian continent. Here are some countries where it was used:

  • Cambodia: The Royal Cambodian Air Force got a single MiG-15UTI by order of the Prince Sihanouk in November 1963 which received many colour patterns during its active live. It operated with the intervention group in the ground-support role. It passed on to the Khmer Air Force and was most probably destroyed during the subsequent combats that ended with the triumph of the Democratic Kampuchea.
  • Indonesia: Due to the rise of the Communist Party of Indonesia, the country got closer to the eastern bloc. That's why the Indonesian Air Force bought a batch of Soviet aircraft, among them some MiG-15UTIs from Czechoslovakia. They served as the main trainer of the air force during the decade of the 1960s and served alongside the Aero L-29 until they were phased out.
  • Mongolia: The MiG-15UTI was the main trainer of the Mongolian People's Army Air Force. They received it in the late 1960s and early 1970s and they continue to serve in that role until the fall of communism in that country, in 1992.


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