Thursday 28 February 2019

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15UTI, part six, Middle-East users

As happened with the African continent, the Asian continent saw the MiG-15UTI in not few occasions.
The countries covered in this post are:

  • Afghanistan: The Royal Afghan Air Force had a small amount of UTIs in its inventory. Those were purchased most probably in the 1950s together with the MiG-15 and the Il-28 bomber. It's fate is unknown, but they most probably either passed on to the successor Democratic Republic of Afghanistan or were destroyed in the subsequent conflicts that took place in the country.
  • Democratic Republic of Afghanistan: As expected, the bulk of the DRA's air force was composed of Soviet aircraft, among them there was the UTI. They saw combat during the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan supporting Soviet troops by flying reconnaissance flights or performing low-level light-attack missions.
  • Iraq: After the king of Iraq was overthrown, the Iraqi Air Force switched to Soviet equipment. Among the supplied equipment there was a small number of UTIs that served as the country's main trainer. They served alongside the Aero L-29 until they were both replaced by the Aero L-39.
  • South Yemen: Apparently some UTIs were exported to South Yemen, most probably during the late 1960s from Egypt. They were either destroyed or captured by North Yemen's troops.
  • Syria: In 1955 Syria ordered, among others, 4 MiG-15UTIs from Czechoslovakia in an operation codenamed as 'Operation 104'. During the course of the Suez Crisis in late October 1956, three MiG-15UTIs were evacuated to Syria via Saudia Arabia and Jordan. The MiG-15UTI replaced the propeller-driven North American AT-6 Harvard and the UTI was subsequently replaced by the Aero L-39 in the 1970s.
  • North Yemen: The Arab Republic of Yemen had the MiG-15UTI as some of them were purchased by the Royalist imanate in the 1960s. It's unknown for how much time they served and they were, most probably destroyed or scrapped.


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