Tuesday 6 March 2018

Messerschmitt Bf.109G - Italian Social Republic users, part three

(This post is a continuation to part two)
As we wrote previously, the Italian Aviazione Nazionale Repubblicana had two main fighter squadrons, the Iº Gruppo, which had some Bf.109Gs in their lines and the IIº Gruppo which had the Bf.109G almost since the beginning.
In fact, the IIº Gruppo gave their Fiat G.55 to the Iº Gruppo at the end of May 1944 and were re-equipped with ex-I./JG 53 and II./JG 77 Bf.109G-6s. On 22nd June 1944 they took off in their first operational mission, with their Messerschmitts and three days later, managed to shot down two P-47 Thunderbolts of G.C. II/3 of the Free French Air Force. At that stage of the war, the Luftwaffe ordered the ANR to operate outside of Italian borders. That way, on 25th July 18 Bf.109G from the IIº Gruppo were ordered to move to Tulln, in Austria, where they were subordinated to JG.53 and operated together with German pilots against Allied bomber raids. During those combined missions, eight B-24 Liberators were shot down.
Later, on 2nd April 1945, the Bf.109Gs of the IIº Gruppo from Aviano and Osoppo air bases intercepted a large formation of B-25 Mitchells over Brescia which were escorted by P-47 of the 347th Fighter Squadron. In the following air battle, ANR suffered heavy losses as they lost 14 Bf.109Gs with six Italian pilots killed without achieving any single victory. Shortly later, on 10th April three Bf.109G, flown by Sottotenente (Flying Officer) Umberto Gallori, Maresciallo (Warrant Officer) Mario Veronesi and Maresciallo Dino Forlani intercepted P-47 of the 57th Fighter Squadron over Milan and Como. Forlani claimed a damaged P-47 but the other two Bf.109Gs were hit and lightly damaged. That was the last mission of the IIº Gruppo.
Regarding the last mission of the Iº Gruppo, it took place on 19th April when the "Asso di Bastoni" squadron had their last combat, last claim and last loss.

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messerschmitt_Bf_109_operational_history#Combat_service_with_Italy
2. Salamander Books - The Complete Book of Fighters
3. La Bancarella Aeronautica - Ali Straniere in Italia 1 - Messerschmitt Bf 109 Italiani.

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