Saturday 4 March 2017

Macchi C.202 - Foreign users

This nice Italian fighter was used by many foreign users.

  • Croatia had around 20 or 22 in service during 1944 and used them to intercept allied bombers. They were assigned to the Kroat JGr.1 and, while serving with them they retained their Luftwaffe markings. They scrambled for the first time in March 1944 against an American raid west of Zagreb, however there wasn't any combat as they were instructed to attack only damaged airplanes and stragglers from the main formation. When the Croatian Air Force Legion was replaced by the Croatian Air Force Group, they received new markings and they served in the combat role until September 1944 when they were relegated to training duties mainly because of their weak armament.
  • Many of them were captured during the Allied campaign in Italy and therefore saw limited service with the Royal Air Force, the Royal Canadian Air Force and the United States Army Air Force, mainly under testing purposes.
  • They also served with the Air Force of the Italian Social Republic, the Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana but only in the trainer role.
  • The German Luftwaffe also used some of them, mainly as trainers too in the Orange fighter school.
  • Apparently, the Schweizer Flugwaffe (Swiss Air Force) ordered 20 Macchi C.202 on 12th May 1943 but none of them were delivered as Italy had no export capabilities as they were concentrating in defending their own national air-space.

2. Salamander Books - The Complete Book of Fighters

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