Thursday 2 March 2017

Arado Ar.196 - German users, part two

As the change between versions mis-numbered the A-3 variant, which was a more advanced version with a reinforced airframe that replaced the A-4.
The final variant was the A-5 version that replaced radios and cockpit instruments with more modern ones, and replaced the MG.15 of the observer with a more modern MG81Z one.
In total 541 Ar.196 were manufactured until August 1944 when the production ended. Among those, around 100 of them were made in the French SNCA and the Dutch Fokker plants.
There was an Ar.196C variant planned that would've been more aerodynamically refined, with MG.151 in the wings instead of the MG FF ones, however we couldn't find any blueprints or profile drawings whatsoever.
Apparently there was a study carried out in 1942 by Arado in order to increase the armour of the airplane, apply even more advanced weaponry (we guess it would've been the same as the Ar.196C) and replace the engine by an Argus As.411, just like the late versions of the Arado Ar.96. It was dubbed as the Arado E.380 and it was expected to achieved a minimum speed of 383km/h. However it wasn't completed because of Allied bombings.

2. (translated)

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