Thursday 1 December 2022

de Havilland Vampire. Part Six. More American Users


The de Havilland Vampire is a British jet fighter aircraft designed and developed by the de Havilland aircraft company. It was used by many countries all around the world, among them the following ones:

  • Dominican Republic: In 1952 the Dominican Cuerpo de Aviación Militar (Military Aviation Corps) sought to buy 25 ex-Swedish Vampire F.Mk.1 (known as J-28A in Sweden) via Henry Wallenberg, a Swedish broker. The Vampires were shipped to Santo Domingo at the end of 1955. 
    Although the J-28A/F.Mk.1 was basically a fighter the Dominicans modified them to a fighter-bomber role by adding their own electric bomb release gear. The Dominicans were so impressed by the Vampire that they sought for more J-28As, but, as they all had been disposed of, they had to switch to 17 surplus ex-Swedish J-28Bs/FB.50, which were shipped to Santo Domingo in early 1957. 
    Some of those Vampires saw action during June 1959 when some Cuban revolutionaries attempted to land on the Dominican island. 
    Some were used later in 1965 during the Dominican Civil War. The Vampire was in active service with the Aviación Corps first and the Dominican Air Force later until 1974.
  • Mexico: The Fuerza Aérea Mexicana (FAM - Mexican Air Force) began a modernization process in 1960 and, for that purpose, they acquired 15 Lockheed T-33A jet trainers and 15 Vampire F.Mk.3 from the Royal Canadian Air Force. The Vampires were delivered between February 1961 and 1962. In service with the FAM, they were painted green overall with yellow bands in the tail booms and drop tanks, making them to be commonly known as 'Aguacates' (Avocados). 
    The first unit to be equipped with the Vampire was the Escuadrón Aéreo de Pelea 200 (Fighter Aerial Squadron 200). Two ex-Royal Air Force Vampires T.11 were also bought in 1962 to be employed as trainers. Most of the Vampires were in active service with the FAM until 1970, when they were placed into storage. Some were later handed to an aerial school in Zapopan to be employed as ground instructional airframes. 

2nd (translated)
3rd Hall Park Books - Warpaint 27 - De Havilland Vampire

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