Tuesday 29 December 2020

Morane-Saulnier Ms.406, foreign users, part one

The Morane-Saulnier Ms.406 was a French fighter aircraft designed, developed and manufactured by Morane-Saulnier from 1938 onwards. As it was France's most numerous produced fighter of the time, with more than 1.000 machines having been made, it was exported to various countries, among them, the following ones:
  • Republic of China: The Republic of China Air Force ordered 12 aircraft in 1938 and they were shipped in 1940 to Haiphong, in the northern part of Indochina to be delivered there to the southern part of China. With the fall of France in June 1940 most of them were diverted to the EC.2 Escadrille, which fought in the Franco-Thai War. It's believed, however that one or two Ms.406 may have been eventually been smuggled into Chinese territory. We've drawn an speculative Ms.406 in Chinese markings and registration.
  • United Kingdom: The Free French Flight (the most direct precursor of the Free French Air Force) was composed of three flights, with the No.2 being the one equipped with fighters. Hierarchically it was dependant of the No.33 Squadron RAF and, when it was formed in July 1940 in the Middle East, it was equipped with Ms.406. They were replaced by Spitfires though.
  • Germany: After the defeat of France in June 1940 Germany captured many French fighters. There were at least 120 airworthy Ms.406 and Ms.410 (though their exact number is unknown). One Ms.406 was exhibited, with French markings at an aviation museum in Berlin (whose fate is unknown but it was most likely destroyed during an air raid in Berlin) and others were transferred to SNACAO factory in Bourges to be repaired, being tuned-up and being painted in typical Luftwaffe's camouflage colours. They were used mainly for advanced training together with older versions of the Bf.109 and the Focke-Wulf Fw.56. In 1941 twenty-five Ms.406 were sold to Finland.
    After the German occupation of Vichy France in November 1942, the Luftwaffe captured 46 more Ms.406 and put them into service after having being sent to Ossun-Tarbes (close to the city of Lourdes) to be refitted to German standards with a FuG,7 R/T radio set. Later planes were repainted again and sent to serve with operational training units like JG.101, JG.103 and JG.105. 
    In those units they were used together with the Dewoitine D.520, Bf.109B and Es and Fw.190As. Given the intensive and fast training, many young and inexperienced pilots caused many accidents, so, eventually, only 33 Ms.406 were still in service, which were sold to Bulgaria and Croatia. 
  • Italy: The Italian Regia Aeronautica, managed to have 57 Ms.406 in total when France fell. They were requisitioned by Italian personnel and sent to Lonate-Pozzolo (northen Italy) to be tested and studied. They remained inactive until the Italian armistice in September 1943.
  • Lithuania: A total of 13 Ms.406 were ordered by Lithuania. They were to be shipped in 1940, and some of them were already painted in Lithuanian markings just after having come out of the factory. However, when Germany attacked in May 1940, they were all put into service with the French Air Force and none was delivered to the Baltic Country.

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morane-Saulnier_M.S.406
2. https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=112&t=98874
3. http://www.warbirdsresourcegroup.org/LRG/ms-406.html
4. https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235044440-hobby-boss-morane-saulnier-ms406-c-lithuanian-air-force/
5. La Bancarella Aeronautica - Ali Straniere in Italia 5 - Aerei Francesi nella Regia Aeronautica
6. Salamander Books - The Complete Book of Fighters

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