Tuesday 4 August 2020

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19, American users

The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 was a Soviet second-generation single-seat twin-engined supersonic fighter. As it was world's first mass produced supersonic aircraft, capable of supersonic speeds in level flight, it was exported and sold to many countries around the globe. Among them, the following ones:

  • Cuba: When the Cuban Fuerza Aérea Revolucionaria (FAR) consolidated, some of their units were still equipped with the outdated MiG-15bis. In order to update their aircraft, they received a batch of 8 MiG-19P in November 1961, making the FAR the first Latin-American Air Force equipped with supersonic fighters. Most of them were based in San Antonio Air Base, in Artemisa province and served for a rather brief period of time, as they were retired in 1966 after being replaced by the MiG-21PFM. The MiG-19s were put into a reserve status and most of them were scrapped, as it proved a very complicated machine to maintain.
    It seems that the only variant of the MiG-19 used by the FAR was the "P" one. However, there are some reports (reported as either wrong or even false) that suggest that they also had the S and the PM variants serving in their rows.
    Anyway, at most, 12 MiG-19P served with the FAR from November 1961 until 1966. They were used to patrol Cuban aerospace during the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962.
    As we like to draw even hypothetical aircraft, we decided to include those variants as well.
  • United States of America: Even if there isn't official evidence of the MiG-19 flying in American colours, during the 1980s a MiG-19S built in Novosibirsk, was displayed at the Wright-Patterson Air Base in Dayton, Ohio as part of a display of the US Air Force Museum. Oddly enough, it was painted in People's Liberation Army Air Force's colours and insignia.

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikoyan-Gurevich_MiG-19
2. http://www.urrib2000.narod.ru/EqMiG19-e.html
3. Midland Publishing  - Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19. The Soviet Union's First Production Supersonic Fighter

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