Saturday, 26 October 2019

Messerschmitt Bf.108, part three

The Messerschmitt Bf.108 was a German single-engine sports and touring aircraft that was used by many countries all around the globe. Among many users, it was also used by the next ones:

  • Brazil: At least one was used by Viaçao Aerea Rio-Grandese (VARIG) airline during the 1930s and was most probably used as a VIP transport.
  • Chile: One Bf.108 was purchased directly to Messerschmitt by the Chilean senator Carlos del Campo in the mid-to-late 1930s. After a brief period of using it as his personal transport, he sold it to LAN (Linea Aérea Nacional - National Airline) who operated the aircraft as a VIP transport and was painted with the colours depicted below. With the outbreak of World War 2, as spare parts became a problem, it was sold again to another unknown customer who kept it left to rot in a barn. In the mid 1960s some Chilean air enthusiasts tried to buy the plane but the owner sold it to some North American customer. It was then when the trace of this Bf.108 vanished. According to some people it was sent to the USA where it was repainted and restored to flying condition, while some other claim that it was repainted and shown in a museum. However, the real fate of the aircraft is still a mystery.
  • Czechoslovakia: The Czechoslovak Air Force operated some ex-German exemplars after the War. They were renamed as K-70 and served with the Transport Squadron based at Prague's Kbely airbase.
  • Japan: The Imperial Japanese Army Air Service bought some few Bf.108 for testing purposes. They were assigned to the Army Aviation Experimental Centre in Japan, where they were tested during the 1930s. After testing they decided to not order them and they were passed on to Manchukuo, their main puppet state in Asia.
  • Manchukuo: From 1936 until 1940 the Manchukuo National Airways (MKKK) (which in spite of its name was a paramilitary organisation) used some Bf.108 ceded from Japan for light transport and reconnaissance duties. 
  • Norway: It seems that some few ex-German machines were used by the Royal Norwegian Air Force during the post-war period. As we couldn't find graphical evidence, the colours should be considered speculative.
  • Poland: The Polish Central Staff for the Aviation League operated some ex-German Bf.108 during the post-war period. It was also used by the Polish Internal Security Corps which was the Polish counterpart of the Soviet NKVD.


3. Wydawnictwo Militaria 149 - Messerschmitt Bf-108 Taifun


  1. El único Taifun en Chile nunca uso ese esquema y nunca perteneció a la Fuerza Aérea. Todos sus dueños (4) lo usaron con matricula civil.

    1. Could you please provide us with photos of how it looked like? That's how it looked like according to our sources.
