Thursday 11 July 2019

MIkoyan-Gurevich MiG-17, part three, various African & American users

The regular version of the MiG-17 was used by many African countries and saw action in many wars that took place in that continent. Among those users are:

  • Congo-Brazzaville: After achieving independence from France in the 1960s, in the 1970s they switched to the USSR for equipment. They were sold some MiG-17s and some MiG-15UTIs which were in service until the 1990s when they were replaced by MiG-21s.
  • Morocco: In 1961 the Royal Moroccan Air Force adquired 12 MiG-17s together with MiG-15UTI trainers and Il-28 bombers. The MiG-17s saw action two years later, in 1963 during the Sand War and later, during Yom-Kippur War, a squadron of Moroccan MiG-17s were deployed in Egypt with the Egyptian 69 Squadron. Every Moroccan MiG-17 was replaced by more modern types.
  • Mozambique: The People's Liberation Air Force of Mozambique was supplied with ex-East-German MiG-17s. They saw extensive action during Mozambican Civil War in the 1980s. The depicted one belonged to Adriano Bomba, a pilot who defected to South Africa on 8th July 1981. The South African Air Force tested the aircraft before returning it to its original owners. The MiG-17 was operated by two squadrons of the People's Liberarion Air Force of Mozambique which were based in Maputo. By the early 1990s they were totally inoperative as they lacked fuel and spare parts. When the Civil War ended, they were scrapped and replaced by more modern types.
  • Nigeria: The Nigerian Air Force received real aerial combat capability when the USSR supplied MiG-17s during the Nigerian Civil War from Egypt and a Polish merchant ship. They served during the Biafran conflict and were in active until 1975 when they were replaced by the MiG-21.
  • Somalia: Just before the outbreak of the Ogaden War (1977-1978) the Somalian Government bought some MiG-17s which most of them were destroyed shortly after the beginning of the war as they were whipped by the Cuban-backed Ethiopian Air Force. Some of them survived and were found derelict in 1992.
  • Cuba: The first MiG-17s arrived in Cuba in 1964 and were based in Santa Clara. They were active until the 1980s when they were replaced by the MiG-23. In 1964 two American F-8 Crusaders which were escorting a Lockheed P-3 Orion almost got into combat against two Cuban MiG-17 as the MiG-17s were impending the P-3 to do its job. The F-8's pilots asked for permission to fire, but didn't get it.
    It was also the aircraft on which the Cuban pilot Eduardo Guerra Jiménez defected to Florida. 

6. (translated)

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