Thursday 14 March 2019

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15UTI, part ten, Polish versions.

The MiG-15UTI was locally built in many eastern-bloc countries such as Czechoslovakia or Poland. The Polish versions were one of the most used ones as they were used from the early 1950s until nowadays where they are still used in aerial shows.
The WSK-Mielec SBLim-1 was a Polish version of the MiG-15UTI made from converted old Lim-1 (or even Czechoslovak Aero S-102 -The Czechoslovak produced MiG-15bis) fighters. They were manufactured by Lotnicze Zaklady Remontowe Nr.2 at the Polish town of Bydgoszcz, close to Warsaw. The first converted exemplar was completed in 1957 and production lasted until 1966 with approximately 280 units converted. It was powered by the Lis-1 engine (a licensed version of the Klimov RD-45F engine) which delivered 5005lb (22,26kN) of thrust and was armed with a single 23mm (0.9in) NS-23 cannon or a single 12,7mm (0,5in) A-12.7 machine gun.
It served alongside the SBLim-2 until it was gradually replaced by either the SBLim-2 itself or the PZL TS-11 Iskra as the main Polish trainer aircraft.
The SBLim-2 was the next step as it was a MiG-15UTI made either from scratch or converted from obsolete Lim-2 fighters. It was also manufactured by Lotnicze Zaklady Remontowe Nr.2 at the town of Bydgoszcz. Production started in 1966 and continued well until the 1970s with around 200 of them converted and some of them even adapted for artillery spotting duties. It was powered by the Lis-2 engine which was a licensed version of the Klimov VK-1A and could deliver a power of 5952lb of thrust (26,48kN). It differed from the regular MiG-15UTI, apart from the better engine, in being better armed as it was armed both with the NS-23 cannon and the A-12.7 machine gun. They were used by the Polish Air Force until the fall of communism both in the trainer and artillery spotter role.
One SBLim-2 was bought in 1997 by a private owner in Argentina and flew again three years later in the year 2000. Nowadays is shown (repainted) at the Museo Nacional de Aeronáutica (National Museum of Aeronautics).

6. (translated)

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