Saturday 10 November 2018

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis, various European users

The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis, which basically was an improved variant of the MiG-15, was introduced in 1950 and soon equipped the fighter force of many eastern bloc/Warsaw pact countries. Among those countries, there are the following:

  • Bulgaria: After the end of the Korean war, where the MiG-15bis showed its capabilities, in 1955 the old propeller-driven Soviet-build fighters were replaced by MiG-15 and MiG-15bis entering the Bulgarian Air Force in the jet age, even if they had been already operating a very small number of Yakovlev Yak-17 fighters. They were gradually replaced by the MiG-17 during the next years.
  • German Democratic Republic: When the Air Forces of the National People's Army was formed in 1956, they were initially equipped with the MiG-15bis which were replaced soon after with the introduction of the MiG-17F/PF and the MiG-15bis was soon relegated to advanced trainer duties.
  • Hungarian People's Republic: Like other neighbouring countries of the eastern bloc or Warsaw Pact, until mid-1950s their Air Forces were equipped with World War II Soviet propeller aircrafts even if they received a small amount of Yakovlev Yak-23 as interim fighters. As that material had to be modernized, they received both MiG-15 and MiG-15bis which replaced every previous fighter type and were replaced by the more advanced MiG-17
  • Socialist Republic of Romania: The Air Force of the Socialist Republic of Romania received their first jet aircrafts in 1951. They were an amount of Yakovlev Yak-17UTI trainers which were used to train pilots into the usage of jet aircraft. Soon after, in 1954, the Romanian Air Force received both the MiG-15 and MiG-15bis which replaced the old propeller-driven outdated fighters, which, in Romania, some of them were still Messerschmitt Bf.109G-6.


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