Tuesday 2 October 2018

Savoia-Marchetti SM.91

The project of the SM.91 was born to a requirement from the Italian Air Ministry for a multi-role aircraft that could be used in the escort, fighter-bomber, ground-attack and quick reconnaissance roles.
The SM.91 was a heavily-armed, two-seater aircraft powered by two Daimler-Benz DB 605A rated each of them at 1475hp of power. It was one of the first all-metal aircraft manufactured by Savoia-Marchetti in order to achieve the best performance regardless of the cost. The central nacelle held the crew of two, and wings and tails were similar to the ones of the Savoia-Marchetti SM.88. It had a fuel capacity of 1600L (422.67 US Gal) that could be raised up to 1800L (475.5 US Gal) with external fuel tanks. It had a stimated range of 1600Km (900 milles). It achieved a top speed of 585km/h (363mph), which was better than the SM.88, the aircraft whose development was killed by the development of the SM.91.
It was armed with five 20mm MG 151 cannons, three of them placed in the nose and two of them in the wings, close the fuselage plus another two Breda-SAFAT 12,7mm machine guns, placed at the extreme of each wing. There was an extra MG 151 facing backwards which was operated by the rear gunner. It could carry a payload of 1640Kg (3620lb) of bombs placed under the wings or a torpedo.
The prototype, flew for the first time on 11th March 1943 at the hands of Aldo Moggi and the results were satisfactory. In fact, a second prototype was made from a modified SM.88.
Tests followed at the next month in Vergiate achieving a total of 27 flight hours. It was an advanced design which reminds to the American P-38 Lightning which served as inspiration as the Italian managed to capture one. However, it didn't pass official tests in Guidonia due to the Italian armistice in September 1943 because by that month, it was still undergoing testing. The first prototype was captured and sent to Germany in October 1943, after which its fate is unknown but it was most likely destroyed. The second prototype was captured incomplete by the Germans when they occupied Northern Italy in September 1943. It was tested on 10th July 1944 but it was destroyed shortly later that year.

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savoia-Marchetti_SM.91
2. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savoia-Marchetti_S.M.91 (translated)
3. https://forum.valka.cz/topic/view/52645
4. Salamander Books - The Complete Book of Fighters

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