Tuesday 25 September 2018

Beriev LL-143

The design and development of a large maritime reconnaissance and bombing was started by Beriev in 1943. However, it wasn't until two years later, in 1945 that the first prototype was completed at Factory number 477 in Krasnoyarsk and flew for the first time on 6th September 1945.
It was an all-meta high-wing monoplane with floaters hanging from the wings as it was a flying boat. It was powered by two Shvetsov ASh-72 radial engine which yielded 2219hp of power and drove a four-bladed variable-pitch propeller AV-9M-91.
It was armed with one flexible 12,7mm UBK machine gun in the nose, a 12,7mm UBK in the dorsal turret, a 12.7mm UBK in the tail, a 12,7mm UBK in a gun under the tail (which could be opened by a hatch) and another 12.7mm UBK in the waist. It could carry a load of 4000Kg (88018lb) of bombs.
The LL-143 served as the prototype for the Beriev Be-6 as it was modified until 1949 when the original LL-143 was fitted with more sophisticated equipment like radar equipment and magnetic anomaly detection equipment.

1. http://all-aero.com/index.php/59-planes-b-c/1531-beriev-ll-143-be-6
2. https://forum.valka.cz/topic/view/188218
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beriev_Be-6
4. http://www.aviastar.org/air/russia/be_ll-143.php

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