Tuesday 13 February 2018

Messerschmitt Bf.109G, Various users, part two

The Messerschmitt Bf.109G was used by many countries. Among them the next ones:

  • United Kingdom: Various Bf.109G-10 and G-14 were captured by the British at the Low Countries during 1944 and 1945. Some of them were handed to the Rafwaffe (No.1426 Enemy Aircraft Flight RAF) to test them, which, apparently, some were tested in the Netherlands, without being transported back to the United Kingdom. 
  • Poland: When the Italian campaign was over in 1945, British forces captured some ex-Croatian Bf.109Gs which were handed over to the No.318 Polish Fighter Reconnaissance Squadron. One of them was used in the inmediate postwar when Polish squadrons weren't disbanded yet and was personal aircraft of Leszka Wielochowskiego (hence the "LW" letters in the aircraft depicted below) who was the Commander of the No.318 Squadron.
  • France: When American forces advanced into Reims, apparently they captured some Bf.109G-14s. They were handed after the war to the newly reformed French Armée de l'Air. They were most probably used for aeronautical testing as the French Air Force of those years didn't need this fighter type, they were, most probably, used for testing.
  • Sweden: During the war many Bf.109G were forced to land on neutral Sweden. Some of those aircrafts were interned and some others weren't. Some of those that were interned were pushed into service with the Royal Swedish Air Force which used them for testing purposes.

1. http://www.forcedlandingcollection.se (translated)
2. http://www.polishairforce.pl/messerschmitt.html (translated)
3. Salamander Books - The Complete Book of Fighters

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