Saturday 17 February 2018

Messerschmitt Bf.109G - Royal Italian Users, part one

As the Italian production lines produced only 160 new bombers and 758 new fighters from November 1942 to April 1943 and they had lost around 1600 aircraft in combat, due to accidents, war casualties and other causes, the Italian Regia Aeronautica decided to use German aircrafts.
German General Kesselring accepted to deliver a first batch of around 30 Bf.109G that were assigned to 150º Gruppo, 3º Gruppo and 9º Gruppo, 3º Stormo (150th Squadron, 3rd Squadron and 9th Squadron 3rd Wing respectively).
The first unit, was under the command of Maggiore Antonio Vizzotto and was ready to operate in April from Caltagirone, in Sicily and shortly later from Sciacca, in Sicily too. Before Operation Husky, the 150º Gruppo, which was comprised of 363ª, 364ª and 365ª Squadriglias (363rd, 364th and 365th flights) had 25 Bf.109Gs operative while the 3º Gruppo which comprised 153ª, 154ª and 155ª Squadriglias, had 17 of them based at Comiso airfield, in Sicily as well. Most of them were destroyed by Allied bombers and on the fourth day of the Operation both Gruppos had lost nearly all their aircraft. By mid-July the 150º Gruppo was rebased to Ciampino airfield, at the outskirts of Rome, with the last three surviving Bf.109Gs arriving from Sicily.
Meanwhile, 23º Gruppo, comprised of 70ª, 74ª and 75ª Squadriglias and belonging to the 3º Stormo received 11 Bf.109Gs while based at Cerveteri airfield,  in the region of Lazio (or, as the fascist Italy named it, Latium). By the time of the Armistice of Cassibile, on 8th September, only four Bf.109Gs were still active with the 150º Gruppo based at the Ciampino airfield.

2. La Bancarella Aeronautica - Ali Straniere in Italia 1 - Messerschmitt Bf 109 Italiani.
3. Salamander Books - The Complete Book of Fighters

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