Thursday 11 January 2018

Messerschmitt Bf.109F - German Users, part two

In comparison with the previous versions, the Bf.109F introduced many aerodynamical improvements. Engine cowling was redesigned to be more smoother and more rounded, the enlarged propeller spinner, which was adapted from the Messerschmit Me.210, now blended smoothly into the new engine cowling. Underneath the cowling there was a revised, more streamlined oil cooler, radiator and fairing. A new ejector exhaust arrangement was incorporated and, on later aircrafts, a metal shield was fitted over the left hand banks to deflect exhaust fumes away from the supercharger air-intake. From the F-1 series onwards, a rounded "elbow"-shaped design protruding further into the airstream.
A new three-bladed, light alloy VDM propeller unit with a reduced diametor of 3m (9ft 8.5in) was used as the standard type. Pitch was controlled electronically and was regulated by a constant-speed unit, with a manual override provided just in case.
Thanks to the improved more aerodynamical airframe, more fuel-efficient engines and the improvement of the Luftwaffe's 300L drop tank, the range of the Bf.109F increased greatly to 1700Km (1060 milles), specially when compared to the 660Km (410 milles) of the previous Bf.109E on internal fuel only and with the E-7's provision for the 300L drop tank, a Bf.109E equipped with it, doubled the range to 1325Km (820 milles).

2. Salamander Books - The Complete Book of Fighters
3. Osprey - Air Vanguard 23 - Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-F series(1)
4. Signal Squadron - Aircraft In action 57 - Messerschmitt Bf-109 in Action Pt.2

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