Wednesday 13 December 2017

Messerschmitt Bf.109D, German users, part two

The Bf.109D saw limited service with the German Luftwaffe during the early stages of the World War II. Although almost a 25% of the Luftwaffe's fighter units were equipped with the type, those units were quickly replaced by the more advanced type, the Bf.109E for the Invasion of Poland. However not them all were replaced in time and some of them served through the Polish campaign, with good performance as they faced mostly outdated, outclassed or both fighters.
By the period of the Phoney War (the time of period between the end of the Invasion of Poland the beginning of the Battle of France), some of there were still in service as the Bf.109E's production wasn't as fast as expected. During this period many Bf.109D claimed victories against French and British aircrafts including various Fairey Battle bombers and at least four French Morane fighters. When the Battle of France began in May 1940 they had been almost completely replaced by the Bf.109E as the frontline fighters with some few serving in night fighter squadrons until some time later in 1940 when they were definitely writen off from service and relegated to training units.
Apparently some of them were transferred in 1942 to the Independent State of Croatia's Air Force to serve as trainers.

3. Signal Squadron - Aircraft In action 44 - Messerschmitt Bf-109 in Action Pt.1
4. Salamander Books - The Complete Book of Fighters

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