Wednesday 29 November 2017

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3, part six captured MiG-3s

The MiG-3 was captured in great numbers by the Axis countries. Among them, was the Kingdom of Romania, that captured at least two of them. Apparently, they landed at the city of Melitopolm under Romanian hands,  in December 1941 piloted by defecting Ukrainian pilots. It was manned by Captain Cantacuzino (who eventually would become the top Romanian Ace of the war) during early 1942 while he was participating in a ten-day Bf.109E conversion course.
The German Luftwaffe captured much more of them, some sources claim up to 22 of them. As they were regarded as inferior to the Bf.109F some were sent to Rechlin test centre to be tested but most of them were either destroyed or their fate is unknown.

2. Osprey - Aircraft of the Aces 54 - Romanian Aces Of WWII

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