Saturday 7 October 2017

Avro Lancaster - Argentinean & Egyptian users

Today we post two users of this excellent British bomber, Argentina and Egypt.
Just after the World War II the Argentinean Air Force began a modernization process mixing some interesting native designs like the FMA IAe 33 Pulqui II, designed by Kurt Tank or some foreign aircrafts like the Gloster Meteor, making it the first South American country to operate jet fighters. Aditionally a number of Avro Lancaster and Avro Lincoln bombers were adquired, making that way a powerful strategical bomber force in the region. Initially the Lancasters were bought as a placeholder for the Avro Lincoln.
They were all delivered in 1948 and unconfirmed sources claim that they were used in the RevoluciĆ³n Libertadora (The Liberating Revolution) of 1955. Apparently some of them were used as a freight transport and they were all either written off or scrapped during the late 1950s or early 1960s. Apparently they served until 1966 with the Argentinean Air Force in the Grupo 4 (Group 4) based at El Plumerillo Air Base, in Mendoza serving together with the Avro Lincoln.
Regarding Egypt, some Lancasters were delivered to Egypt between November 1949 and the first half of 1950 at the Royal Egyptian Air Force at Almaza. However, the shortage of spare parts and the corrosion inflicted by the sand and the inexperience of the Egyptian pilots, made the flights of these bombers very infrequent. By the time of Suez Crisis of 1956 it's believed that Egyptian Lancasters weren't operational. When the crisis scalated, and the Operation Musketeer was launched, they were considered a big threat to ignore them so they were targeted by fighter-bombers of No. 804 and No. 810 Fleet Air Arm Squadron operating from HMS Bulwark. Two Egyptian Lancasters were destroyed and a third one was damaged in that strike. It's unknown what happened to the rest of REAF's Lancasters but apparently six more of them were destroyed during a raid of Fleet Air Arm's Sea Hawks.

3. Signal Squadron - Aircraft In action  52 - Lancaster in Action

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