Thursday 10 August 2017

Aermacchi M.B.-326, Various African Users

Now it's the turn for various African users of this excellent Italian multi-purpose jet aircraft.

  • Cameroon: The Armée de l'Air du Cameroun (Cameroon's Air Force) operated six Atlas built Impalas Mk.I and Mk.II.
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Force Aérienne Congolaise (Air Force of the Democratic Republic of the Congo) received some MB-326GB from the Force Aérienne Zairoise and the were widely employed in the First Congo War that overthrew the Mobutu Regime in 1997.
  • Ghana: The Ghana Air Force received 9 M.B.-326F and 4 M.B.-326K. Both of them were used in the light attack role. 
  • Togo: The Armée de l'Air Togolaise (Togolese Air Force) bought six Brazilian Xavantes. 
  • Tunisia: The Tunisian Air Force bought eleven M.B.-326 both in the light attack and trainer roles in the 1960s.
  • Zaire: The Force Aérienne Zairoise (Zaire Air Force) bought some MB-326GB in the 1970s and were employed by Zaire when they intervened in the Angolan Civil War. They were passed on to the Air Force of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

2. (translated)

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