Saturday 1 July 2017

Arado TEW 16/43-19

Because it's been quite some time without posting something from Luft '46.
When the Arado Ar.234 was being developed, Arado firm turned its attention to develop the concept of a multi-role jet aircraft. It would've been produced in five different versions, a Schnellbomber (fast bomber) one, a Zerstörer (destroyer or heavy fighter, just like the Bf.110) one, a Nachtjäger (night fighter) one, a Schlechwetterjäger (bad weather fighter) and an Aufklärer (reconnaissance) one. As promising as it could be, at least on paper, both the arrival of the Me.262 and the development of the Ar.234 meant that there wasn't need for a multi-role airplane, that's why it was never materialized.
The design was highly typical for Arado as it even borrowed some elements from the successful Ar.234. The cockpit was fully pressurized and was placed at the front of the fuselage and the expected crew was of two, seated back-to-back. The wings were mid-mounted and sweeped back at greater angles along the leading edges. Trailing edges were also sweeped back but to a lesser degree. Each wing would've had a a 3000lb thrust engine placed in a nacelle, which most probably it would've been the Heinkel HeS 011, as it was the only one capable of achieving such thrust power. The wings would've have some hardpoints in order to carry some smaller bombs.
Undercarriage was going to be of the tricycle type with two large wheels at the back and a smaller one at the front.
Armament would've depend on the type. The Schnellbomber one would've been equipped with two rear-firing Mk.213 cannons and it would've had provision for a load of 2500kg of bombs carried externally as well as the series of Fritz-X missiles. The Zerstörer version would've had a battery of three 30mm Mk.103 cannons plus two Mk.213, another two Mk.213 mounted at the sides of the fuselage and the usual rear-firing pair of Mk.213 guns. The Nachtjäger version would've featured a crew of three, as a radar operator would've been required. He would've sat in a small compartment situated at the back, just behind the wing axis between the internal fuel tanks. It would've also been equipped with a ventral gun pack with two 30mm Mk.108 cannons and three Mk.213, two Mk.213 mounted in the fuselage and the defensive pair of Mk.213. It would've been equipped also with an internal radar, placed at the nose inside a radome.


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