Tuesday 27 June 2017

Martin AM Mauler, part two

The Carrier Air Group 8 (CVG-8) was created in September 1948 as a response to the Berlin blockade, and its attack squadrons, VA-84 and VA-85, were equipped with the Mauler. In January 1949 the air group made a flyover of president Harry Truman's inauguration ceremony. The squadrons conducted their qualifications aboard the USS Midway (CV-41) with ten Maulers crashing into the safety barrier between them. The CVG-8 made a two-week cruise along the east coast of the United States before being disbanded as the Berlin blockade was ,fortunatelly, peacefully resolved.
Those of the AM-1Q electronic warfare variant, served with the Composite Squadron 4 (VC-4) which was based at NAS Atlantic City, in New Jersey and were detached in smaller groups for each atlantic fleet carrier deployment. Not very much is known about their service, but it's known that they served until 1st October 1950.
There was also a projected, never built carrier onboard delivery version, called JR2M-1 Mercury that, as the Douglas Skyraider was chosen, it was cancelled.
As the Douglas Skyraider was chosen, in spite of its smaller bombload, it had better reliability and it was easier to fly and land, so the Navy pilots preferred it. In 1950 it was decided that the Mauler would serve with shore based units only and later that year every units except for the Naval Reserve abandoned the type. It operated with reserve squadrons until 1953.
It had a crew of one pilot, two in the case of the AM-1Q, a fuel deposit of 510 US Gallons (1900 litres/ 420 Imperial Gallons), it was powered by a single 3000hp Pratt & Whitney R-4360-4 Wasp Major engine which drove a big four-bladed propeller.
Its armament was impressive as it was equipped with four 20mm T-31 with 200 rounds each and had 15 hardpoints in wings and fuselage which could carry up to 12 5inch (130mm) HVAR rockets and 3 Mark 13 Torpedoes, apart from some bombs.

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_AM_Mauler
2. http://www.militaryfactory.com/aircraft/detail.asp?aircraft_id=1066
3. http://www.aviastar.org/air/usa/martin_mauler.php

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