Tuesday 23 May 2017

Macchi C.200ter

The Macchi C.200ter (which is an unofficial denomination given by us) was a projected version of the Macchi C.200 powered by a Fiat A.80 R.C.41 engine rated at 1100hp of power. It would've been armed with the usual Italian Breda-SAFAT 12,7mm machine guns placed in the upper side of the nose and it would've had the same enclosed cockpit of the early versions of the Macchi C.200 Saetta. The project started in the late 1930s but it was discarded as the Regia Aeronautica's decided that they didn't need another fighter as they already had the Fiat G.50, Macchi C.200 and the Fiat Cr.42.
There was also another projected two-seater variant intended to fullfil the recon-assault role. It would've had the enclosed cabin too, but opened at the back with a defensive 7.7mm Breda-SAFAT machine gun plus the original two 12.7mm ones located at the front and provision for three 50kg bombs, two under the wings and another one under the fuselage.

1. La Bancarella Aeronautica - Ali d'Italia 8 - Macchi C.200 (translated)
2. http://www.aereimilitari.org/forum/topic/10831-aermacchi-c200-saetta/ (translated)

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