Wednesday 12 April 2017

Martin Maryland - Free France users

When France signed the armistice with Germany, many Frenchmen refused to accept it and crossed the Strait of Dover and joined General De Gaulle's troops. Among them, there were many pilots that fled with their Martin 167F and formed the embryo of the Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres (Free France's Air Force) which were notably used against U-Boats on the waters of the North Sea. That's why some of them were adapted with depth charges and even torpedoes.
The Free France Air Force kept their Martins 167F until 1945 when they were replaced by the Martin B-26 Marauder.
They served practically in every front where Free France was involved. From the early East African campaign, to the Mediterranean and European campaign passing through the Syrian campaign.

1. (translated)
2. (translated)

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