Saturday 1 April 2017

Macchi C.203

Today it's the turn for the Macchi C.203, a never-built Italian floatplane heavy fighter.
The Macchi C.203 was a project for a twin-engined seaplane fighter that never left the desing board. It was presented to compete in an Italian Air Ministry specification in 1937 for a fast reconnaissance seaplane where, together with this one, the Caproni Ca.124, the Caproni Ca.410, the IMAM Ro.55, the FIAT-CMASA Rs.14 and the CRDA CANT Z.510 were also competitors. It was won by the FIAT-CMASA Rs.14 which was mass produced.
It was designed by Mario Castoldi, who had experience with seaplane designs, and it was intended to be twin-engined, armed with three machine guns (one Breda-SAFAT 12,7mm in the nose, and another 7,7mm defensive ones in ventral and dorsal retractable positions) and would've had provision for four 100kg bombs under the wings. It would've been powered by, most probably, the FIAT A.74 engines as they were the only radial engines available for the Regia Aeronautica back then.

1. Ali Antiche Magazine 109 - Macchi C.203 - Un intruso tra i caccia della serie '200 (translated)

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