Wednesday 22 March 2017

Macchi C.205 - Royal Italian Users

The Macchi C.205 is regarded as maybe the best Italian fighter of the World War 2, title disputed with the Fiat G.55 or the Reggiane Re.2005.
As it was a development of the previous Macchi C.202 Folgore, it flew for the first time in April 1942 but, due to technical reasons, it wasn't operative until February 1943, very late for Italy.
It was a single seat fighter with escort, interceptor and ground attack capabilities. It was powered by a Fiat RA 1050 RC58 Tifone engine (a copy of the German DB605), that delivered 1475hp of power, the main fuel tank was placed between the engine and the cockpit. Radiator was located beneath the cockpit and both radio equipment ,the oxygen cylinder and the reserve fuel tank with 80L were placed at the rear part of the fuselage. The wings were made out of alluminium and steel and had two extra fuel tanks. It had self-sealing fuel tanks, an armoured seat and armoured windscreen too.
It was tipically armed with two 12,7mm Breda machine guns placed in the cowling, plus other two 20mm MG 151/20 placed in the wings, making it, probably the best armed Italian fighter of the war. It had also capability to carry either two 100L fuel tanks or up to 160kg of bombs in underwing hardpoints.
It saw limited service with the Italian 6th, 17th, 18th, 20th squadrons ("Gruppo" in Italian) and the 88th Autonomous Flight, very few units because, as we said earlier, it was developed late and the armistice of 1943 finished its development.

2. Salamander Books - The Complete Book of Fighters

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