Saturday 18 March 2017

Macchi C.205 - Foreign users

The Macchi C.205 Veltro (Greyhound) was an Italian fighter of the World War 2 that it's considered as the best Italian one in that conflict. It was used by many foreign users.

  • Australia: The No.3 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force captured one Macchi C.205 in Italy during the summer of 1943. It was flown by Brian Eaton, commander of the Squadron who praised the airplane for its maneouvrability and speed.
  • Egypt: During the postwar, the Royal Egyptian Air Force bought 62 Veltros, being 41 of them conversions from the Macchi C.202. However due to delivery problems, only 15 of them saw brief combat during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War when some of them, equipped with underwing bomb racks, where used to attack Israeli positions. In January 1949 an Egyptian pilot claimed an Israeli P-51D Mustang in exchange of three Veltros claimed by the Israeli Air Force. 
  • Germany: The German Luftwaffe equipped the II.Gruppe of the JG.77 for two months, from October until December 1943. They weren't really impressed by the Veltro and they were replaced by the Bf.109. 
  • Croatia: A small number of Veltros managed to serve with the Air Force of the Independent State of Croatia durin 1944 but they were quickly overwhelmed by the Allied fighters. 

2. Salamander Books - The Complete Book of Fighters

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