Sunday 12 February 2017

Macchi C.200 - Italian Co-belligerent users

When Italy signed the armistice, in September 1943, the country was splitted in two, the followers of Mussolini, and the co-belligerent ones, that sided with the Allies.
In that context, both sides reorganized their units creating new armies, air forces and even navies. In the case of the co-belligerents, those were the grounds of the actual Italian army.
As the Macchi C.200 was greatly outdated by 1943 its use was limited. It was only used by the 8º Gruppo Autonomo Caccia Terrestre (8th Autonomous Land Fighter Squadron), which was based in Leverano, at the very southern part of Italian peninsula. It was also employed by 371ª Squadriglia Autonoma Caccia Terrestre (371th Autonomous Land Fighter Flight) that was also based in Leverano.
However, as those units were re-organized and received better airplanes, the Macchi C.200 were relegated to the training roles, where some of them, 23 more exactly, were used in the inmediate postwar period.

2. (translated)

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