Sunday 26 February 2017

Arado Ar.196 - Prototypes

All the prototypes of the Ar.196 were delivered in 1937. The first one, named V1 flew in May, as well as the second one, named V2 which had twin floats, just like the definitive version.
The next two prototypes, V3 and V4 had one central float and two auxiliary small ones in the wings.
As all of them showed excellent water handling capabilities, it was hard to choose which one choose for mass production, however, as there was a small chance that the smaller floats of the V3 and V4 models could "dig in", the floater configuration of the V1 and V2 was chosen and ordered into production.
An additional V5 was made in November 1938 in order to test final changes and was eventually completed as an Ar.196 A-0.


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