Saturday 18 February 2017

Arado Ar.196 - Foreign Users, part one

We're back in Germany in order to post about this excellent seaplane.
The Arado Ar.196 was a German floatplane that operated with many nations across Europe.
Romania bought two Ar.196 from Germany. They operated from the port of Odessa first and Constanta later, in the Romanian coast. They were under German command, more exactly under the Schirmherrschaft des Aufklarungsführers Schwarzes Meer (Reconnaissance unit in the Black Sea). When Romania switched sides in August 1944, the Soviets confiscated the Romanian Ar.196A and dissasembled them.
Finland employed some of them during the continuation war in order to supply and transport special patrol groups that operated behind enemy lines. Both soldiers and supplies were accommodated inside the fuselage and the airplanes used remote lagoons and lakes for taking-off and landing.
Finally, the USSR received some captured Ar.196A from Bulgaria. They were used by the Border Guards in the inmediate post-war.


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