Saturday 7 January 2017

Avro 765

Today we bring you another British design that never went beyond the design board.
The Avro 765 was a project for a VTOL lift-fan powered fighter dating back from 1959. Unfortunately not very much is known about it, besides that the air-intake would be located in the dorsal area just behind the cockpit.
As it seems that this project was kinda like a smaller version of the first Harrier, we have thought that it would also be armed with some air-to-ground weaponry, so we added some SNEB podded rockets underwings plus two Firestreak missiles at the wingtip in order to provide it with some air-to-air capabilities. It also seems that originally was intended to be armed with four ADEN 30mm Cannons located at the nose, just like it's contemporary, the Gloster Javelin.

1. Midland Publishing - British Secret Projects - Jet Fighters since 1950

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