Monday 26 December 2016

Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow - Fictional Canadian users

As it's widely known, the CF-105 Arrow was cancelled due to some various reasons.
However, given the characteristics of the airplane, it's very susceptible to a lot of what-ifs.
So, this is the first post, out of two, where we cover various lookings of this interceptor that was ahead of it's time. Each of them is armed with one of the possible missile configurations,either the AIM-4A Falcon, the cancelled Canadair Velvet Glove or the AIM-7 Sparrow II. The Arrow was expected to have so much compatibility with American missiles because it was expected to be sold to the USA and the United Kingdom.
Finally, we decided to take some creative steps and we drawn an anti-ship version carrying one of the first purely air-to-sea missiles, the Nord SS.12/AS.12.
They're all are drawn with the weapons bay deployed in order to show their weaponry.


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