Sunday 5 June 2016

Armstrong Whitworth F.11/37

Armstrong Whitworth designed this fighter with the aim of attacking targets in front of it, therefore it had the pilot seating in the nose with the gunner and the turret just behind him and above.

It would've been powered by a pair of Merlin engines in pusher configuration located in the wings, in order to allow the gunner a good field of fire, as his turret couldn't turn 360º and the guns couldn't be lowered into horizontal.

This was Armstrong Whitworth's first project which hadn't fabric-covered surfaces, using stressed skin light alloy construction being used throughout and was also the first one to have a tricycle undercarriage complete with a steerable nosewheel.
The two petrol tanks were going to be located just behind the turret, in the upper part of the airplane. A bomb container and a rack were also going to be placed in a lower fuselage bay behind the turret with a capacity for 250lb of bombs (113Kg)

1. Midland Publishing - British Secret Projects 1935-1950 - Fighters and Bombers

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