Friday 22 April 2016

Sopwith Pup - Foreign Users

Note: This post is just a re-arrangement of our first one, the Sopwith Pup in order to cope with the new national -and historical tags - As the drawings aren't new, we haven't announced it through twitter.

The users contained in this post are:

  • Australia: The Sopwith Pup equipped the Australian No.5, No.6 and No.8 Training Squadrons and they also equipped the No.1 Flying training School RAAF in the post-war years.
  • Belgium: It seems that the Belgian 5éme Escadrille de Chasse employed at least one Sopwith Pup during the World War I.
  • Greece: During the First World War some Pups were used by the Hellenic Army Air Service.
  • Netherlands: Apparently Netherlands used some airplanes that had crashed inside their borders during the First World War.
  • Japan: The Imperial Japanese Air Force used the Pup, both with the army and the navy, where it's known that some of them served aboard the Yamashiro Battleship.
  • Romania: Apparently some Pups served with Romania during the First World War.
  • Russian Empire: It seems that some Pups were sold to the Imperial Russian air corps.
  • Russian SFSR: When the revolution started, with the subsequent civil war, the Bolsheviks employed some captured ex-white Pups.
  • USA: It's claimed that the US Navy used some Pups.

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