Thursday 18 February 2016

Albatros D.X

We keep going with another of Albatros prototype.

The Albatros D.X was a German single-seat fighter prototype that was developed in 1918 in parallel to the Albatros D.IX. In fact, it used the same slab-sided flat-bottomed fuselage as the later one, albeit slightly modified.

It was powered by a 195hp Benz Bz.IIIbo water-cooled V8 engine which proved to be better than the previous Mercedes D.IIIa straight-six installed in the D.IX.
It was armed with the usual pair of 7,92mm LMG 08/16 forward-firing machine-guns.

It took part in the D-Type contest held at Adlershof, in June 1918 but the development ceased after that event.
A pity, because of all the Albatros late fighter prototypes, this one seems to have been the most successful one.

2. Salamander Books - The Complete Book of Fighters

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