Tuesday 9 February 2016

A.G.O. DV.3

This is a special post because it doesn't contain any drawing due to the lack of blueprints or profile pictures, it's just a descriptive post.

The A.G.O. DV.3 was a German prototype fighter of 1915 designed by August Häfeli, the same who, after the war would design the native Swiss fighter Häfeli DH-4. It was a two-bay biplane of traditional configuration powered by a 99hp Oberursel engine. As the A.G.O. company was very reluctant about manufacturing fighters (in fact this one would have been the only one they designed) it's said that only one airplane was completed and it's not very clear if any weaponry was installed.

Anyway, when performance tests were performed, it was found to be seriously underpowered and any further development was discontinued.

The A.G.O. Dv.3 when it was tested back in 1915

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